Silvergarde is available for Pre-Order now!

That’s right! It is now possible to pre-order Silvergarde so you are among the first people ever to own a professional box of Silvergarde Chronicles! You can order it from The Game Crafter at this link: and it will be shipped directly to your address from the manufacturer. Just in time for CGDC! Thank

Contact Form is Fixed

April 3, 2019 Many apologies to everyone who sent us a message during or immediately following GameStorm. Our contact form was broken. It’s fixed now, but any messages that were sent are permanently lost. If you sent us a message and did not get a reply, please message us again. Sorry for any inconvenience this


We are glad to see you here! Thank you for your interest in Silvergarde, the cooperative role playing card game designed by Rivan Wells. This game is nearing completion and will soon be available for sale on The Game Crafter. The debut of Silvergarde will be presented at Game Storm on THURSDAY at 5pm [this